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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Taller or Smaller?? that is the question...

May 29,2011

So can a 41 yr old get taller?? I don't think so.. so i MUST be getting Smaller :) my loss is STILL -29lbs, so i'm doing a cleanse again.. But my clothes are getting looser and i'm looking taller, (according to 3 people that i've bumped into lately, they see the weight loss, but are commenting that i look taller than before.. LOL Oh well after i finish this cleanse i'll re-measure myself just to see what's happening.. oh and i'm not getting taller my mark in the door jam confirms that.. Well i'll keep you's posted.. ttyl

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Woo Hoo MOM!!

May 24,2011

That's right folks.. My Mom tried Isagenix!! and she's doing good, Who would have thought that someone so STUBBORN, that likes to go poking holes in peoples balloons would try something that she thought i was wasting my time & money on (her motto WAS, you have 1 life to Live.. EAT whatever the hell you want!!, why be skinny (their miserable & haven't had a decent meal)!! LOL.. Well she tried it and she's down -5lbs in LESS than a week, still having her morning coffe, NOT drinking the recommended amount of water daily, and still going to the Casino for Monday lunch buffets ($4.99 for seniors* one perk for aging)! She's cleaned her cottage in record time since she has all this new found energy, she's accomplishing more in her day, she's sleeping at a regular time and waking up at a NORMAL time!! Woo Hoo.. Now to get my father to try it out. :) Gotta get his Insulin usage down and hopefully lighten his use of Meds.. *cross your fingers for this one*.. I'll keep you's posted, thanks for stopping by.. ttyl

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The View from my Office today

May 19,2011

Well the view was great today, all kinds of sun and clear skies, well all except for the big white fluffy clouds.. I accomplished quite a bit of "work" today, i chatted with new leads on the business and benefits of the products that i myself have benefitted from first hand, i checked in on an associate in my downline that is loving what the products are doing for her, and passed along some helpful tips & tricks that again have worked for me, i had a great talk with someone that has had AMAZING success with the products & the business side of Isagenix (all in 14 months)CRAZY!! So now my eyes and mind have been re-opened to what seems like endless possibilities that lay ahead of me.. I love hearing of everyones success's from being apart of Isagenix. I had a GREAT day at "work" today, I HOPE you did to. Take care.. ttyl

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Ok i like what i'm see'n!!

May 18,2011

Yup, I was on the scale this morning and not only did it go down -1.5lbs(in 1.5 days).. BUT i saw my boobies, then when i leaned over i saw my toes.. :) Your probably thinking.. Yeah so what's your point??!! WELL ... I don't remember the last time i looked down and didn't see my Damn Stomach!! It's probably been awhile, because just to let you's know.. that after looking down for such a long time and alway seeing the SAME DAMN THING.. i stopped looking down.. So if you see me out and about with my head down.. i'm not sad or depressed or hiding from you, I'm just checking out the new view that i'm getting use to.. :) Take care, ttyl

Ok well i guess i'm cleansing

May 17/2011

Yesterday I mixed up some cleanse for Crystal to take to school.. Well, when she ran out the door because she was running late she left her cleanse in the fridge.. SO instead of letting it sit there and go to waste, i figured i'll switch my shake/cleanse day plans and start earlier.. so since i already ate a wrap earlier in the day i had a shake and waited 3 hours to start using the cleanse.. So today i'm hummin along cleansing, feeling good, getting caught up on some laundry and getting ready to head out to a photgraphy class all is well.. I'll keep you's posted on the results.. :) ttyl

Friday, May 13, 2011

It's Been awhile

May 13,2011

I'm still alive, just been busy with paperwork thats why i haven't been here to much.. Well now that i'm almost all caught up i thought i'd pop in for a quick minute just to update you's on what's been going on: (1)I ran out of Chocolate shake for 3 days so i slacked on the other products.. NOT GOOD, i will never run out AGAIN!! i LOVE my shakes and how i feel while using them. (2) my total weight loss is -27.5lbs and i am starting to do 2oz of cleanse everynight before bed to change things up a bit, and 1 will do 1 cleanse day a week. (3) My associate Nadine is now a PAID consultant and is making $ while losing weight.. She lost -14.1lbs on her most recent 11 day cleanse, for a total loss of -33lbs (whoop whoop)!! (4) I am getting out to photography classes and workshops again, i really missed these (the winter was WAY to long. (5) Will be setting up my gym equipment in the basement this weekend, and starting a program this MONDAY!! (another whoop whoop over here!!) OH and we have an Isagenix Event in Dartmouth NS June 9th.. I will Deffinately be attending this.. OH yeah, and i have a couple.. of inquiries from people wanting to check out the Business.. I'll keep you's posted. ttyl

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Travelling to my blog from Kijiji

May 11,2011

Well it's great to have you's here!! I hope the blog posts are explaining a bit of how Isagenix is helping me out.. physically, mentally & financially.. Who couldn't use help in those 3 aspects of thier lives?? I got into using Isagenix to cleanse and lose weight, Well i'm succeeded at that.. I've lost -27.5lbs and i've tried everything out there to lose weight, and i have done cleanses before... Nothing like this tho, the cleanses i've done made me feel miserable sooo miserable that i've never completed a Full box of cleanse EVER!! Isagenix though is sooo easy i can't imagine ever not using it.. I don't remember ever feeling this good.. (thats sad huh!! imagine all the years that i won't get back) Well now seems like the beginning of the rest of my life. And people that know me are seeing the changes in me and asking what i'm doing, this is how i now got into the business side of Isagenix, i'm selling the products to friends and family at my cost.. which helps them, but also helps me.. the products have a point system.. the more points i have the more $$ the company gives back to me!! (would be nice if every other weight loss i've tried would do that).. oh well!! And now it's changing also for me, the friends that were buying from me are now doing the business side for themselves AND losing weight, and their friends and family are starting.. Do you see what's happening here, everyone is changing their lives and health for the better, our products are now cheaper to us and or free to us, and we're making money on the side, some of us from the comfort of our own homes, we are our own walking/talking billboards and we're changing 1 life at a time by telling our stories.. Thats the best thing.. People are approaching us!! If this sounds interesting to you please send me a email or message.. ttyl

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mothers 2011

May 8,2011

Woo Hoo It's Mothers Day!! Yup you guessed it, i "Treated" myself and ate with the Family today.. breakfast, Lunch & Lobster supper and a cup of skim milk and a frosted chocolate cupcake with sprinkles on top to boot!! Well all i can say right about now is.. What the HECK was i thinking!!?? I feel Yucky!! i should have stuck to my awesome lifestyle just stuck to my 2 shakes, my snacks and had my lobster at supper.. Thats the only thing i was looking forward too anyways.. Oh well it's not that much of a biggie, i just feel Blah from the sugar & carb overload, and i wish i could drink a gallon of water in 2 seconds flat to kill this unbelievable thirst that i've got going on right about now (yeah probably because i didn't drink any water at all today).. Well i'm gonna drink as much as i can before heading off to bed (think i'll take some Cleanse also). Well good night everyone, I hope all you Mom's out there had a wonderful Mother's day. ttyl

Friday, May 6, 2011

Weigh in (9day Cleanse April 25,2011)

My weigh in this morning was -7.5lbs lost on this 9 day cleanse.. for a total of -27.5lbs lost so far.. Woo Hoo

Still staying on the products because i LOVE them, but while listening to a podcast last night they mention theres 3 phases to Isagenix:
(1) Cleanse (ok done that..check)
(2) Fortify (Ageless Essentials Vitamin packs., on my next order, i will post my results while using these also)
(3) Slow down the aging clock & Live a Longer Healthier Life (slowing the life span of our Telomeres)(which in effect i'm already doing now by cleasning with Isagenix) Now just to exercise :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

2 days left (9day cleanse April25,2011)

May 5,2011

The last 2 days i haven't drank nearly enough water!! I'll be trying to fix that today and tommorrow to see if that helps boost my weight loss for my weigh in on Friday morning *keeping my fingers crossed*

Still LOVING the energy, mental clarity, and just general constant feeling of Well Being, still no acid reflux, and awesome digestion (Bloating!! whats that??) But the BEST is getting into smaller clothes that i haven't worn in a LONGGGG Time.. OR maybe the BEST is going shopping and BUYING something that i picked up, tried on and LIKED & it fits GOOD, YUP thats the best!! No more cursing & swearing coming from behind my dressing room door.. woo hoo - see you's in 2 more days for my end results.. ttyl