May 11,2011
Well it's great to have you's here!! I hope the blog posts are explaining a bit of how Isagenix is helping me out.. physically, mentally & financially.. Who couldn't use help in those 3 aspects of thier lives?? I got into using Isagenix to cleanse and lose weight, Well i'm succeeded at that.. I've lost -27.5lbs and i've tried everything out there to lose weight, and i have done cleanses before... Nothing like this tho, the cleanses i've done made me feel miserable sooo miserable that i've never completed a Full box of cleanse EVER!! Isagenix though is sooo easy i can't imagine ever not using it.. I don't remember ever feeling this good.. (thats sad huh!! imagine all the years that i won't get back) Well now seems like the beginning of the rest of my life. And people that know me are seeing the changes in me and asking what i'm doing, this is how i now got into the business side of Isagenix, i'm selling the products to friends and family at my cost.. which helps them, but also helps me.. the products have a point system.. the more points i have the more $$ the company gives back to me!! (would be nice if every other weight loss i've tried would do that).. oh well!! And now it's changing also for me, the friends that were buying from me are now doing the business side for themselves AND losing weight, and their friends and family are starting.. Do you see what's happening here, everyone is changing their lives and health for the better, our products are now cheaper to us and or free to us, and we're making money on the side, some of us from the comfort of our own homes, we are our own walking/talking billboards and we're changing 1 life at a time by telling our stories.. Thats the best thing.. People are approaching us!! If this sounds interesting to you please send me a email or message.. ttyl
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