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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Woo Hoo we're going on a vaca!!

March 31,2011

Well the STRESS of booking is OVER!! ..Now the Stress of Getting READY begins, wonder if i can lose 40lbs before going?? I leave in 15 days.. What'do ya think?? yeah yeah i know.. it would be nice tho!! And YES i'm bringing my Isagenix with me :) i just ordered a powdered cleanse.. it'll be sealed so i can throw it in my suitcase, i'll bring a new container of sealed shake to, and i ordered myself an IsaShaker for my shakes.. woo hoo a little going away present for myself to make getting my shakes in me easier :) Ok i walked 2 days, total of 6.8km's so far. Lets see what i can do in the next 15 days.. shall we... :) ttyl

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Still Here!! just puttin' along

March 30,2011

Day 29 of my Isagenix journey.. still at -19.5lbs gone.. kind of puttin' along now.. think i'm gonna eat a bit inbetween my shakes & meal, bought some apples and strawberries, think i'll boil some eggs i love egg whites so that'll give my metabolism a little jump start during the day.. I'm NOT HUNGRY.. but i guess i'll try it out to see how it goes.. this is my 5th shake day after finishing my 9 day cleanse, think i'll do 3 more shake days and do my cleanse on Sunday, now i'm kind of following the 30day cleanse schedule (6 shake days/ 1 cleanse day a week) i'll do this for 2 weeks then on the third week do 2 cleanse days back to back for a deeper cleansing.. I'm still feeling GREAT, i went for a 2.8km walk today, i haven't walked in ages.. so i was PLEASANTLY surprised that i kept a strong stride and did a brisk walk the whole way, even coming up the hill to my house ending my walk was uneventful.. Gotta love that.. ttyl

Monday, March 28, 2011

Mark this date in my Agenda of Weight loss History!!

March 28,2011

Like i've said before in previous posts.. I've tried all them All: SFL, Tops, Mance a Vie, Weight Watchers.. and the list goes on.. they try to help and accomodate you.. heck WW went from paying with cash on a weekly basis to letting to buy prepaid weeks at a savings.. to automatically billing your Visa monthly.. WELL like i said mark this date!! This is the FIRST time I've ever been given a Gold Prepaid Visa DEBIT card from any weight loss company that does WEEKLY automatic DEPOSITS to YOUR VISA.. YUP you read it right.. ISAGENIX DEPOSITS CASH ONTO your VISA/DEBIT!! I feel like the lady in the Ikea commercial.. Not only did i lose -19.5 in 24 days They gave me $197.50.. HURRY start the car!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Yes, I Eat REAL Food.. LOL :)

March 27,2011

I've beeen asked this question ALOT.. And the answer is YES.. I Eat, I eat whole healthy foods, i eat fruits, veggies, salads, potatoes and rice (mind you now i eat starchy carbs at lunch time) and not after 3pm. I do eat meat (my deep freeze is full of deer/moose and locally raised grass fed beef), i buy chicken and fish.. and eat eggs, i've given up coffee so no longer use coffee cream, the dairy that i do use is vanilla yoghurt with fresh fruits added to it.. I grow my own sprouts from seeds to add to my salads, i make veggie/chicken soups/stews from left over chicken and Never use canned or boxed chicken broth, i ALWAYS use the leftover store bought chicken bones to make my own broth. I've been living 95% RAW before and will continue to do this, Isagenix makes it SO EASY to live this lifestyle.

The other question i get asked ALOT is.. What will you do when you lose the weight you want?? Will you stay on Isagenix or can you stop?? Well the way this is making me feel and impacting my life for the BETTER, why would i stop?? If this is the missing link to get & keep my weight off when NOTHING has worked for me in the past.. Of course i'm staying on it.. i'd be a fool to try it, love it, have it work.. then ditch it?? I've tried everything else under the sun and nothing worked.. i've dietted myself up to my heaviest weight!! diets don't work, this LIFESTYLE does.. I've found the one that works for me, that I CAN DO!!.. I wish all of you's out there that haven't found the ONE thats works the best for you, the best of luck & i hope you find THE ONE that works for you FAST, life is to short to have to keep on looking.. Take Care ttyl

Friday, March 25, 2011

Round 2, Day 9 of 9 My first Cycle!

March 25, 2011

Today is may last cleanse day.. :) Think i need to drink more water though.. ok water is refilled i'm ready to fill you's in on my day :) Today went good again, but last night i DREAMT i threw my cleanse day off by Eatting (weird huh)! it was crystals shake day after coming off 2 cleanse days so before i went to bed i knew i was going to be making her a fresh salad in the morning to bring to school (we come to learn that crystal will do shake days at school and cleanse days at home.. when your 16 and sitting together with your friends at lunch and their eatting and having a great time you don't want to miss out on that experience.. plus it's not nice to think about jumping the table to grab someones chicken pot pie off their fork!!) lol.. anyways back to my story :) like i said i knew i was making salad in the morning.. well all through the night i kept dreaming about making this salad for her lunch.. but i kept waking up when i kept thinking/dreaming that i was eatting a bite of baby carrot!! I must have made that salad and took a bite of baby carrot 4 times last night.. So Saturday for my meal i'm having baked Basa fish (new to me?) steamed brocoli, a salad and baked potato.. i will be putting baby carrots in my salad if i'm gonna dream about eatting them, i might as well do it!!.. Oh and i made my first Cycle this week.. Woo Hoo, Thanks to Norma for facebooking me and letting me know that i will be getting a Direct deposit payment monday for that.. I guess Mondays aren't so bad now!! :) ttyl

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Round 2, Day 7 of 9 We Are Family.. hey hey hey hey

March 23,2011

Woo Hoo.. Everythings going smoothly on my last shake day.. 2 cleanse days starting tomorrow.. Gotta Love It!! I went and custom ordered my business cards tonight, yup might as well - this whole Isagenix journey is really moving in different directions.. ex: I feel great, i'm getting my old life back (you might think that an "old" life would suck and you'd want a new one right?.. well i don't know ?? my old life was fine compaired to the life i was "existing" in.. now that the old me is coming back i can start "Living" again), and i'm not the only one that wants to feel the way they use to.. as i was signing someone up tonight i noticed one of my Isapeeps has signed someone up as well.. BRAVO!! (We're gonna be one big IsaFamily)!! Helping & Motivating & Supporting each other. I hope they all start feeling more like their "Oldselves" again. (Like they say "Give it 4 days"). Keep you's posted on our progress.. Take Care. ttyl

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Round 2, Day 6 of 9

March 22,2011

Ok the days are going by, i'm still on shake days, enjoying Pita Pizza's and salads as my meals, getting my water in and enjoying snacks.. tomorrow is my last shake day then i have 2 cleanse days :).. Still loving the energy and mental clarity.. so nice that the brain fog has lifted, i don't think i'm as stressed anymore!! kind of like, What stress?? I could really get use to this :)

Got my pacesetter pak today.. Woo Hoo Isagenix TREATS!! Yummy, i got the dark chocolate Isadelights, i'm gonna chop it up and blend it into my shake.. i got a box of Slimcakes, yummy i just had 1 20mins ago (it's a Oatmeal/berry cookie)and a box of Chocolate chip meal bars, i love these in my shake, it feels like i'm eatting a melted McFlurry, when your scrounging around the bottom of your cup with a spoon trying to get every last chocolately bit of bar... YUMMO!!

well.. ttyl

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Round 2, Day 4 of 9

March 20,2011

this would be day 3 of 9:

Went shopping for clothes to wear to a wedding last night.. Woo Hoo down a size and wearing it Comfortably.. I hated buying the outfit because i felt it was a waste of $$, but at least i have a Nice Casual Dress outfit now that fits great!! so i shouldn't regret it to much :) Oh and for those that know me were plesantly surprised i didn't buy BLACK, I bought a pair of dark denim jeans, a WHITE top, and a Beige sweater that stays open.. no buttons to button to hide some of THAT WHITE!!(Oh and it FEELS GREAT when people notice your losing weight!! & it FEELS GREAT wearing something your COMFORTABLE IN!! that's THE BOMB!!). I should take a pic and post it.. that'll be my new "project" to take some pics as i follow this Isagenix journey.. The wedding was fun, it is always great to get together with family and chat.. The Bride and Groom were a beautiful couple :)

day 4 of 9:

Today is day 4 and a shake day, i had an omelet (mostly egg white & veggie) & a toast with the family for breakfast, had my chocolate shake for lunch & am having a vanilla shake with some Lemon passion crunch bar in it for my supper.. YUMMY!! It's a beautiful sunny day here today so i will be heading of for a walk.. ttyl

Friday, March 18, 2011

Round 2, Day 2 of 9

March 18,2011

Yesterday went Great.. did my cleanses and got my water and scooby snacks in :)

Me, N & T went to Norma's for a meeting, it was great to finally meet Face to Face, with us all on cleanse days Norma's bathroom saw lots of pee breaks, T even had a shower.. Mind you it was taken standing at the kitchen sink fully clothed while filling her water bottle, gotta love those touchy sink spray nozzles.. hahahaha, i was laughing (of course i wasn't the one getting hosed down.. LOL).. We met George,and Nicole (Norma's daughter) watched some learning videos, chit chatted and had Isa Treats.. (Isadelights & Isalean Lemon passion crunch bar).. YUMMY!! a bite to try and a bar for the road.. How nice :)

Well this morning is starting off fine.. but i stumble across a little notebook in a drawer and start going through it and tearing out old pages to get more use out of this book now.. and i get to this page where you know back when your like making a plan to diet and exercise and you start to journal to get yourself going.. well i find this page and this is the entry.. hold on tight because it's not nice..

Nov 15/09 2:50pm
SUNDAY: I feel like Sh*t!!
**and i look like a big pile of it too!!! get your head outta your butt and
go "RAW".. You did it before, what's the damn prob!!

WOW.. how's that for motivating yourself??!! Obviously it didn't work because we're 2011 and Thank God i saw Norma's weight loss's being posted on a FaceBook group that i was on to lose weight or i would be 15.5 lbs heavier still beatting myself up with no results! Well my heads outta my BUTT and I feel great and want to keep it that way... Watch out, because the New old me is coming back!!


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Round 2, Day 1 of 9

March 17,2011

Ok round 2 with the battle of the bulge.. I weighed myself this morning and lost 1 of the 3 lbs gained with "TTOM" so my start weight is on my calendar for these 9 days. I'm heading out for a walk on this mild sunny day, then will jump into my paperwork and start my workday. ttyl

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Shake, Shake, Shake..

March 16,2011

I've had a couple of "Shake" days this week and i've got 2 "Cleanse" days coming up this Thurs + Friday.. Woo Hoo let's get another 9 days under my belt.. I'm up 3 lbs right now, we'll blame it on "That Time Of The Month" right now.. Can't wait to see the results of the next 9 days, Still pretty excited with all this energy, the feeling of wellbeing, and mental clarity are still a BONUS. (Really LOVING those results from Isagenix). ttyl

Sunday, March 13, 2011

My first 11 days of Cleansing are OVER... "Where's Waldo?"

March 13,2011

Woo Hoo, 15 lbs & 12.75 inches GONE in 11 days. This has been THE BEST 11 days EVER!! While drinking Chocolate shakes, eatting Chocolate chip bars, 1 healthy meal aday..EASY!! I can't believe i didn't mind giving up coffee and diet pepsi, it wasn't as hard as i thought it was going to be. I've got energy, a smile on my face and a hop in my step.. WTH? where'd that come from? OH YEAH, Isagenix.. Can't wait to continue on this journey and continue finding "the old me" kind of like "finding Waldo" ever see those books?? Well i'm finding Me!! i was lost in all the Blahness of a hectic- stressful everyday rat race of life that so many of us are in.. but little by little in just 11 days so far this has been changing for the better, i don't feel so Blah, stressed, tired, uninspired, and beat anymore.. Well there will be more to come on this blog.. i'm doing a couple of shakes days and will be starting another 11 day cleanse.. I'll keep you's posted. :)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 10 of 11.. Woo Hoo i'm rounding the fence and heading for "The Home Stretch"

March 11,2011

Ok yup I recently watched the movie "The Secretariat"... Loved it by the way!! So i thought i would reflect how the ending of my "Isagenix 9day cleanse" feels like to me in the title of my post.. :) I'm starting my first day of my last 2 cleanse days.. (oh not alone mind you) we're 3 of us starting today to cross the "LINE" together, MY finish line, NL's Jumpstart line, & ND's support line.. Isa-Peeps are GREAT!! The support and motivation & knowledge that they have are "THE BOMB"!! So again like i said i wasn't going to weigh myself.. yaya, but since the 3 of us are doing this to see what happens.. i HAD to weigh myself to see what the last 2 cleanse days gives me.. so right now for the first 9 days i have released.. -11 pounds.. I'll let you's know how it's going over my cleanse days. ttyl

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 9 of 11... HEY Jared!!

March 10,2011

Since it's march break i took the kids to town today.. ooohhh aaahhh!! Crystal and her friend went to the chinese buffet (YUMM!) and Alex and I went to "Toys for Big Boys".. ok i waited in the car while Alex went in.. After we went all went to the mall. I ate Subway with Alex, i took a 6 inch roasted chicken breast on flat bread with (ya ya.. cheese, mayo & sweet onion sauce) they loaded it with veggies and i had a bottle of water with that (i skipped making it a chip & diet pepsi combo) so that was good :) I felt ?? fine today my clothes are fitting better, i don't feel so pouffy, i don't know if anyone can see my 10 pound loss, but i can feel it.. (and i like the feeling). so this is my last shake day, Friday and Saturday are my Cleanse days then the 11 days are up.. I'll keep you's posted.. ttyl

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 7 of 11. What'd you talkin' bout Willis??!!

March 8,2011

UP +3 lbs!! What'd you talkin' bout Willis??!! yup up 3.. i almost fell off my scale, could it be the soy sauce, teriaki sauce or oyster sauce i used on my stir fry?? i only drizzled, i know there's sodium and i might retain water.. but i drank 15 cups of water yesterday and p p p p p p p'd all day!! It's GOTTA be that i usually gain 5 lbs 1 week a month for "that time of the month". i shouldn't FREAK OUT it's alomost "TTOTM".. but i'm done stressing over the 3lbs, i lost 7 inches so THATS GOOD. I'm not weighing and measuring myself until March 13th the day after the last day of my 11 days.. Then starting another 11 days of cleansing.


Day 6 of 11. Got a Book

March 7,2011

A shake day, Yumm - started putting some Isalean bar in my shakes.. Love the sweet chewy bits in the bottom of my glass, feels like i'm eatting a melted McFlurry!! woo hoo. For lunch i ate a MEAL, it was veggie and chicken breast and rice stir fried, that was Real Good if i say so myself. Went to the a Matinee at 3:30, we watched - Just go with it, with Adam Sandler & Jennifer Aniston.. It was cute and a good laugh..(i didn't eat any of Peters popcorn, i bought it and buttered it and handed it to him no problem) after that i went to chapters and bought "NO EXCUSES" The Power of Self Discipline, by Brian Tracy.. Can't wait to get into that :) ..

Had another shake for my supper and watched the Dvd "Conviction" with Hillary Swank.. A really good movie based on a true story..

Another great day with no cravings or feeling deprived.. drank 15cups of water more than i needed. but it was going down good so i kept going. :)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 5 of 11, I'm on a Roll!

March 6,2011

I'm on a Roll, Well you know how i didn't eat last night at Montana'with friends - Well i even turned down an invite to our local Casino's breakfast buffet this morning.. optting to stay home to cook, clean and follow my shake day (with a healthly homemade meal in my day).

weighed and measured myself this morning, I lost -1.5 lbs & 3 inches since yesterday (??i didn't drink lots of water yesterday because we were out, i wonder what my loss would have been if i drank more water??.. mind you i'm very pleased with the -1.5) So for 4 days of doing Isagenix's i've lost oops RELEASED 6 lbs & 7 inches, I think i'll start exercising i haven't so far.


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 4 of 11...Was so? so? tuff

March 5,2011

Day started off Awesome, i actually woke up at 6:10am on my own.. but decided to sleep a bit longer - i only had to run enough Isagenix to Nadine to start her going for 5 days before her 30 day cleanse shows up. This is how it's AWESOME, today is Saturday and my kids didn't have hockey so i was able to sleep in.. usually their waking me up out of a dead sleep around 11am (against my will) so i can feed them..?? i left for town around 8:30 did the drop off, did groceries didn't rush, got home put stuff away, fed everyone.. and now it's only 10am.. woo hoo i accomplished all that 1hr before i should have been awake, and yes i was dressed, did my hair and even put some makeup on before leaving the house.. Nice huh!!

This is the so so part of the day.. after heading to the RV show with 2 other couples, we went to Montana's Steak house, I LOVE their APPLE BUTTER RIBS and SMASHERS, so since this was day 2 of my 2 days of cleansing, I ATE NOTHING!!! I sat and enjoyed the conversation while everyone else enjoyed their Apple butter ribs, peppercorn ribs, bbq ribs, steak & shrimp & chicken fajitas.. That was hard!! BUT at least i'm not beating myself up for caving in and eating, then dreading hopping on the scale or the tape measure tomorrow morning. TTYL

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 3 of 11, I'll take it!

March 4,2011

I've weighed myself this morning.. I wasn't going to do it, because i've only done 2 shake days, BUT since someone asked me to i did.. and i'm down -2.5lbs. (who would have thunk it!!) Thats good, BUT i also noticed something(s) that i can get use to, my furry 4 legged son Milo ALWAYS wakes me up in the night to let him out to pee.. this is a KILLER, I HATE getting up in the middle of the night, sometimes he wakes me 2-3 times a night to go out (why the heck do we (I) keep him??) BUT last night i found that it wasn't as hard to get up to let him out, AND for quite some time now getting up with my teenagers to get them off to school has also been THE WORST, never mind waking up at 6:30.. i have to fight with myself to get up at 7:00, that only gives me 30mins of pure Hell & Torture to get them out the door so they don't miss the bus, so what should be a Happy, Healthy morning experience full of love and tenderness a Great way that we should be starting our day.. usually looks like the royal rumble, a bull in a china shop, and chicken with it's head cut off all rolled into one STRESSFULL experience which is my morning every morning!! BUT not this morning.. Woo Freakin Hoo, i don't know if i should be getting excited or if this was just a fluke.. but those 2 major problems that i'm use to having didn't happen and the only thing different in my crazy stressful life is the Isagenix Cleanse.. so like i said - i don't know.. But I'll take it!! :) I'm starting my 2 cleanse days today.. I'll keep you's posted. ttyl

*** ok 8:45pm and i couldn't help it!! i measured myself.. i lost 4 inches.. woo hoo, that would be a 1/2 inch off my: neck, bicep, forearm, chest, waist, hips, thighs, calve. Can you say losing EVENLY!! :)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 2 of 11 :-)

March 3,2011

Cooking and Cleaning and planning .. woo hoo what's going on?? things are moving smoothly, i know where i have to be today and when i have to leave not to be late.. I've got supper cooking and will be bringing snacks to get everyone fed inbetween music & hockey.. I will NOT be stopping at Tim's for a coffee for me so they will not be getting junk food.. but with the fruits and veggies i bring with me that should keep them quiet.. I've got soups cooking to be frozen for my shake days. I'll be starting my 1st cleanse day tomorrow :)

Oh i even enrolled a new rep.. Woo Hoo .. Yay Me!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 1 of 11

March 2,2011

Ok today went not bad.. Did a shake day, i do these for 2 days then do 2 cleanse days. My first shake i put to much ice in the blender and it was thick and slushy, had to stir it with a chopstick to drink it.. (guess i have to drink it in 10-20 mins for optimal enezyme life) whoops..i took a bit longer. lesson 1 learned :) The bars you use to replace shakes are AWESOME!! i had Chocolate cream crisp. I've been drinking lots of water. so i've been peeing like a race horse.. I really don't know what a race horse pees like - but i've heard it before so i thought i'd use it. LOL

Tonight i'm having steamed rice, baby carrots, brocoli, cauliflower & Shrimp for supper, and yup you guessed right more water.. No More Diet Pepsi.. (so their stocks are gonna drop, hope this doesn't cause you any financial hardship) oh yeah and i haven't had not 1 single coffee today.. Sorry Columbia..

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Woo Hoo It Came!!

March 1,2011

10:04am Was the time it showed up.. Thank's to my dog's LOUD barking at the purolator man standing at the backdoor i didn't miss my delivery.. if it wouldn't have been for Milo i might have slept through the delivery and not have gotten it.. I went to lay down just for a couple of seconds after my kids left for school (just to relax).. I guess my couple of seconds added up to 2 1/2hrs.. but whatever! when you need sleep you need it, just seems like i've been needing it alot lately!! I was going to start my 30 days right away.. but after pulling everything out of the box, i think i'll wait til tomorrow, i want to get my game plan right.. So I'll be reading, listening to the cd, measuring and taking my "before" pic today, and buying healthy foods and snacks so Wednesday runs smoothly.

Woo Hoo the waiting's over.. Now onto a new beginning. :)