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Saturday, August 25, 2012

1st week's loss Aug 25,21012

Well my weigh-in in my dreams last night was not good.. the scale wouldn't zero in so i got fustrated and ate something.. (nice dream huh)!!  Well this morning i woke up wondering how the scale would act.. it was fine, i'm glad to say i'm down -4.5lbs.. woo hoo i needed that gone!!  So that's my start, now to grab this great feeling and run with it.. cutting back on coffee was hard this week, but it's do-able.. and i'm not buying soda/pop anymore to bring in the house, i might have the odd 1 when out at a restaurant.. but so far so good (ya ya i know, it's only been a week you're

got in a couple of walks this week, 2 in our local walking trails 6km total,  and walked along a boardwalk, then the sand .. oh ya we got rained out on that one.. not sure how far we walked :(

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Weighed in..

OK, Me and a little group of friends (4 of us in total) are gonna be checking in with each other every Friday to chart our weight, we have set 1 goal for now and will ONLY participate in it when ALL of us have met it.. (let's just say, i don't want to be the one holding the group back).. i'm AWESOME at holding myself back.. but the "group" is another story.. (also, i've watched to many movies where "friends" teach other friends lessons with tube socks tied shut with bars of soap or rolled quarters in them) no thank you!!  So since i'm running around town today, i weighed myself and "checked in" with the group.. I just finished my 1st Isalean shake of the day and have PREPARED snacks to bring with me..  this is where i'll be "changing my ways", before i "failed to prepared.. so i was preparing to fail" NOT anymore.. my mantra in my head will be .. "Prepare" i'll even say it outloud if i have to.. heck i'll probably say it in my sleep, my husband might wonder what he has to prepare for if he hears me.. lol

Good luck ladies see you at goal #1.